| 1. | Also, the flavor of ales or wheat beer is unfamiliar for Korean.
| 2. | Shiner Hefeweizen is a German-style, unfiltered yeast-wheat beer, also brewed in Texas.
| 3. | Like him, we accompanied our meal with tall glasses of Bavarian wheat beer.
| 4. | Wheat beer : Top-fermented like an ale, with malted wheat in the blend.
| 5. | Wheat beers tend to foam a lot, especially if poured quickly.
| 6. | High Point is the first exclusive wheat beer brewery in the United States.
| 7. | It's unfiltered and garnished with lemon, the way traditional wheat beers have been.
| 8. | Wheat beers are a specialized beer style, with hefe-weizens a doubly distinctive subset.
| 9. | Wheat beers tend to foam a lot, especially if poured incorrectly.
| 10. | Wheat beers have citrusy characteristics, while old-fashioned bock beers can taste like chocolate.